HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovationvol. 2 no. 3 (2024)

The English Language Needs of Human Resource Management Undergraduate Students Focusing on Reading Skills

Flench Chainy F. Botohan | Eden Mae A. Espinosa | Jonelson C. Escandallo

Discipline: Education



This study investigated the reading skills of second-year Bachelor of Science in Business Administration students majoring in Human Resource Management at Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences, and Technology. The research focused on assessing the importance of reading skills for academic tasks, understanding technical terms, and identifying challenges faced by students. The study utilized TSA, PSA, and LSA to evaluate students' reading proficiency. Data were collected to assess the perceived competence in reading skills and to identify specific areas of difficulty, particularly in understanding central ideas and technical vocabulary. The findings indicated that while many students considered their reading skills competent, they struggled with comprehending central ideas and technical vocabulary. These challenges highlighted the need for tailored reading instruction to meet the academic and professional demands specific to the BSBA major in Human Resource Management. The study concluded that targeted interventions are necessary to address students' difficulties in reading comprehension. The insights gained contributed to the development of curriculum and instructional strategies aimed at enhancing students' English reading skills, thereby better preparing them for future academic and professional endeavors.


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