HomeJournal of Education, Management, and Development Studiesvol. 3 no. 2 (2023)

The Use of E-Recruitment Process with the Comparison of Traditional Recruitment Process in Bangladesh: A Case Study on BRAC Bank Ltd.

Md. Arifuzzaman | Md. Shoriful Islam | Md. Yeamin Masum | Jannatul Shams Anonna

Discipline: business studies



This paper compares e-recruitment and traditional recruitment processes and their merits and demerits. The figure of this process is arranged so that in the static equilibrium, the e-recruitment process takes the horizontal position, while the traditional recruitment process takes the vertical position. The characteristics of both e-recruitment and traditional recruitment processes used in Bangladesh for attracting and selecting qualified candidates are presented here through the analysis of the case of BRAC Bank Ltd. Obtained results proved to be by the motion of the actual physical system. E-recruitment has provided some remarkable benefits in terms of cost and efficiency. Due to the rapid advancement of technology and evolving digital tools, the erecruitment process is the future of recruiting in the corporate world, while traditional recruitment processes are diminishing daily.


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