HomeJournal of Education, Management, and Development Studiesvol. 3 no. 4 (2023)

ChatGPT’s Applications in Higher Education: Unmasking Opportunities and Challenges

Dhruba Sarker | A.F.M. Eiaz-Ur Rahman | Azizur Rahman Sakib | Harold Jan R. Terano | Md. Mizanur Rahman

Discipline: Education



The emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI), as demonstrated by models like ChatGPT, has garnered significant attention in recent times owing to its capacity to transform multiple domains of society, including higher education. Within academia, individuals such as students, educators, and scholars have already employed Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT for a diverse range of academic and non-academic endeavors. However, there is still debate regarding the use of ChatGPT in higher education. The acceptability and validity of its impact on higher education have been a recent burning issue. The primary aim of this review paper is to elucidate the utilization of ChatGPT within the context of higher education, considering its possible opportunities and challenges. The data utilized in this study has been generated by examining published papers, websites, and blogs. Using an "introductory literature review," the researchers have analyzed, synthesized, and explained the data that was generated. The findings revealed inadequate technological access, overreliance on AI, the presence of inaccuracies within subject-based knowledge, and the inability of educators to adapt teaching strategies are the core challenges of ChatGPT in higher education. However, besides these challenges, ChatGPT also brings opportunities like the advancement of learning efficiency, the concept of personalized learning, support for educators, and opportunities for skill enhancement.


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