HomeUniversal Journal of Educational Researchvol. 3 no. 3 (2024)

Assessing the Science Process Skills of Chemistry High School Teachers: A Case Study in Cambodia

Rany Im | Tsutomu Iwayama | Masashi Osa

Discipline: Education



Teaching students' science process skills (SPS) has been recognized as teaching students how to fish. Students need the scientific process to understand scientific knowledge by themselves. Teachers play a significant role in developing students'SPS. Therefore, this study aims to assess chemistry teachers' SPS and associated variables that can cause variation. The survey research design was used to gather data. A chemistry curriculum based SPS test was developed by a researcher and distributed to chemistryteachers via an online platform. As a result, 136 chemistry teachers participated in the study. Descriptive statistics, t-tests, and ANOVA were utilized to examine the overall picture of SPS levels and establish the relationship between gender and teachingexperience with SPS levels. The result of this study pointed out that chemistry teachers possess high levels of overall SPS and basic skills but moderate levels of integrated science process skills (ISPS). This suggests that while teachers are proficientin basic skills, they need further development in more complex skills. There was no significant difference between gender, teaching experience, and SPS levels. Therefore, a comprehensive professional development program is necessary to improve chemistry teachers' mastery of ISPS levels. Teacher training colleges should emphasize using inquiry-based approaches in practicing chemistry experiments to develop pre-service ISPS.


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