Comparative Analysis of Reddit Posts and ChatGPT-Generated Texts’ Linguistic Features: A Short Report on Artificial Intelligence’s Imitative Capabilities
Erika Kristine E Arcenal | Licca Pauleen V Capistrano | Marielle Jessie D De Guzman | Micaela Isabel M Forrosuelo | Janeson M Miranda
Discipline: Artificial Intelligence
In recent years, the unprecedented explosion of artificial intelligence
(AI), particularly generative AI, has dramatically and drastically altered
many human fields, posing queries about how generative AI can imitate
human language. Given the newness of generative AI as a controversial
phenomenon, there is an urgency to closely examine how its linguistic
outputs could mimic human language produced in natural contexts.
Hence, in this short report, we discuss the observed similarities and differences in the linguistic features of the subreddit r/Marriage spouse appreciatory posts and ChatGPT-4 outputs. These results were the offshoot
of our genre analysis on these two linguistic data sets. Our analysis revealed that ChatGPT-4 generated texts contain impeccable grammar,
while the Reddit appreciatory posts have grammatical discrepancies,
such as errors in subject-verb agreement, improper punctuation marks,
and erroneous capitalization; ChatGPT-4 generated texts have more complex syntactical structure; Reddit dataset utilized more internet jargon,
slang, and profanities and seems to be unpredictable and arbitrary in
terms of textual length; and ChatGPT-4 outputs appear to overuse emojis
while underuse emoticons and tend to use these digital linguistic elements without regard to their proper contexts. In light of these results,
we claim that AI-generated texts, although they can mimic human language, this is on a mere surface level, and a closer inspection could uncover distinct variations. We recommend that future studies use more
comprehensive and different datasets and continuously employ comparative and contrastive linguistic analysis to further investigate AI’s imitative capabilities.
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