HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Researchvol. 5 no. 10 (2024)

Exploring Pre-Service Teachers' Knowledge and Perceptions of Classroom Assessment: A Pathway to Enhanced Pedagogy

Cleo Jude A Joaquin

Discipline: Education



This present study investigates the extent to which pre-service teachers understand classroom assessment and their conceptions of its effects on student learning and improvement of instruction. In the sur-vey response of 106 pre-service teachers, the knowledge in assessment procedures was strongly positive. However, there is room for development in areas such as planning for varied learners, data interpretation, and feedback (average mean = 3.74). The mean score of 4.00 reveals that pre-service teachers consider assessment important for identifying students' strengths, and fine-tuning education, but targeted training in real skills is recommendable for delivering assessment effectively at an educational institution.


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