Leveraging Business Analytics for Enhanced Decision-Making: Navigating Challenges and Exploiting Opportunities
Muhammad Ahmad Mazher | Yasotha Nair Tramankuti
Discipline: business and management
Business analytics (BA) is revolutionizing how businesses use data to gain a competitive advantage. It offers opportunities for deeper cus-tomer insights, targeted marketing campaigns, improved customer sat-isfaction, new product and service opportunities, and optimized busi-ness processes. However, challenges like data quality, talent acquisition, and ethical considerations exist. This study reviews BA literature and discusses the challenges faced by organizations in implementing busi-ness analytics, including data availability, quality, skills and training, and technology infrastructure considerations. We conducted a study on 133 analytics professionals in Lahore, Pakistan. Data availability and quality, skills and training, and technology infrastructure all had a posi-tive and significant impact on business analytics challenges and oppor-tunities. The findings aim to contribute to a better understanding of business analytics, implementation challenges, and opportunities.
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