HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 12 (2024)

Environmental Literacy among Pre-Service Teachers Towards Integrating Green Technology into the Classroom

Carlo Jaime M. Manguil

Discipline: Education



Alarming environmental degradation urges educators to be well-trained with the essential knowledge and skills to integrate green technology into school curricula. This study investigated the level of awareness and extent of practices of pre-service teachers regarding green technology. The study also determined the relationship between awareness and practices. The respondents of this study were undergraduate education students of Bulacan Agricultural State College. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation, Spearman's rank correlation, and thematic analysis. The study explored how the respondents perceive and potentially integrate green technology into their future classrooms by employing sequential explanatory mixed-methods design. Findings revealed that most respondents are moderately aware of green technology and its benefits in addressing environmental issues. Results also indicate a high overall extent of practices of pre-service teachers regarding green technology. Furthermore, the correlation (rs = 0.465) shows that the level of awareness and extent of practice in green technology positively correlated to a moderate degree. The relationship was statistically significant with a p-value lesser than 0.05 significance level, t (8.832), p =0.000. The insights and conceptualizations of the pre-service teachers regarding green technology strengthened the quantitative data. Their practices reflect green and sustainable living, and they hold exciting insights into the benefits of green technology in mitigating climate change. The findings proposed a strategic environmental management plan to enhance pre-service teachers' capacity to leverage green technology. Thus, it is essential to implement a carefully developed strategic ecological management plan to raise students' dedication, passion, and commitment toward environmental sustainability.


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