HomeWVSU Research Journalvol. 12 no. 2 (2023)

Screening of Amylolytic Activity and Morphological Characterization of Amylase-Producing Bacteria from Rice Mill Soil in Tigbauan, Iloilo

Jayvee J. Jore | Mary Rose C. Faderogao | Rey G Tantiado



This study was conducted to determine and characterize the populations of amylase-producing bacteria from the three rice mill soils in Tigbauan, Iloilo. Soil samples were collected, characterized, and assessed for the presence of amylase- producing bacteria. Serial dilutions, spread plate method of soil samples on starch agar plates, and incubation for 72 hours were done to detect the presence of zone of amylolytic activity. Soil samples in three rice mills in Tigbauan, Iloilo have the presence of amylase-producing bacteria. Bacterial isolates had very active amylolytic activity after 72 hours of incubation and vary in their colony morphology and cell characteristics. It showed no significant difference on the amylolytic activity among the isolates in the three rice mill sites, indicating comparative amylolytic capability. Biochemical tests and molecular characterization of the bacteria should be done to identify the species of the bacterial isolates.


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