Feasibility of a Local Cultural Arts and Ethnic Museum in a Prime City in Northern Luzon

Charles S. Somera | Rochelle Marie Joyce G Hermosura

Discipline: planning (urban, rural and regional)



Preserving the cultural and ethnic heritage is very important for the growth and development of a nation. The legacy of the forefathers of a country is as good as the present-day situation of the country. Museums are ways to showcase these important mementos of the past, relish them today, and give inspiration to the future. This study aims to determine the feasibility of a proposed local cultural arts and ethnic museum in a prime city in northern Luzon. The feasibility study used the survey method to assess the standpoint of the people who will benefit and use the museum in the future. There were 148 respondents from a seminar-workshop at a local museum purposively selected. Findings showed that the respondents rated the proposed local cultural arts and ethnic museum as “very feasible” regarding the proposed location and feasible for the other components such as funding, tourism, appeal, economic viability, and sustainability. They recommended that the proposed museum be placed in a well-known tourist destination, that the government must provide a budget for the museum's upkeep, that ethnic groups must be given responsibility through creating a cooperative, and that the Department of Tourism must spearhead the project. The study was limited by the number of respondents, and future studies must be done in other areas of the country to generalize the results better.


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