Assessing College Readiness among First-Year Accountancy Students at a Catholic University

Bartman I Gacrama | Madeilyn B Estacio | Lamberto Mendoza

Discipline: Education



Going to college is one of the many dreams of a student. Most of the basic education curriculum is aimed at preparing students for college. Although the K-12 curriculum is also aimed at the labor competitiveness of the senior high school graduates, most of the students were eyeing college education for better opportunities in the job market. One of the most competitive professions is accountancy, with the advantage of either a “stand-alone” career or being hired by business and accounting firms. It is one of the most lucrative and satisfying professions. In this study, first-year accountancy students' college preparedness was scrutinized to determine if they were ready for the tedious process of becoming accountants in the future. The study used the descriptive correlation design to determine the students' college readiness using the Students’ Readiness Inventory questionnaire and their General Weighted Average among the 51 first-year students who answered the questionnaire online. Results showed that most students were female, had been in the accountancy and business management strand in their senior high school, and had a general weighted average of 80 to 82. Using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient, there was no significant correlation between the results of the SRI and the GWA of the students. Although there was a low correlation at 0.23249, the SRI results and the GWA were independent. Thus, all courses and students must be studied for generalizability of results.


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