HomePCS Reviewvol. 16 no. 1 (2024)

Femme, Feminine, Female: An Analysis of Contemporary Queer Filipino Women Representation in Online Media

Michelle R. Bayaua

Discipline: media studies



The Philippine media have shaped public opinion and reinforced stereotypes about sexual minority groups. This study examines the representation of queer Filipino women in contemporary online streaming media, aiming to answer the questions: How are Filipino queer women portrayed in online media? What themes and tropes characterize these portrayals and what messages about the queer Filipino experience are conveyed? The study analyzes three online limited series, each consisting of four to six episodes with runtimes of 20 to 30 minutes, streamed from 2020 to 2022 on iWantTFC and YouTube. Employing textual analysis within a feminist and queer theoretical framework, the research reveals distinct findings. Queer Filipino women in online media are depicted in a more positive light compared to traditional media representations. They are portrayed as young, confident, successful, financially and sexually independent individuals, who are comfortable with their sexuality and bodies, while living in accepting and tolerant environments. However, these portrayals primarily represent one facet of the queer experience: femme, middle class, cisgender, and mostly either lesbian or bisexual, with other queer women refusing to label themselves. The shows also portray queer female relationships through heteronormative lenses, perpetuating gendered power dynamics. Despite progress, queer women are at times objectified and stereotypes persist. The study thus indicates the need for nuanced, authentic representations that highlight the diverse gender identities and expressions of queer Filipino women, fostering a better understanding of their lived experiences and challenging existing stereotypes.


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