HomePCS Reviewvol. 16 no. 1 (2024)

Confronting the Wellbeing Crisis: Supportive Communication as a Tool in Creating Healthier Philippine Universities

Zsa Zsa Bacaling-Cabag

Discipline: health studies



Communication is key to achieving wellbeing. In higher education communities, it is critical to thrive and survive. However, in recent years, health and wellbeing have been deteriorating in many universities worldwide, including the Philippines. Despite the evidence, wellbeing remains marginalized as a topic in many universities. In this essay, I argue that the wellbeing crisis in higher education is not just a health issue – it is a communication problem. Philippine higher education institutions have an opportunity to create a culture and environment that foster good health and wellbeing, yet most universities fail to communicate the value of wellbeing for all, nor is it prioritized in the higher education agenda. We are already seeing its negative impacts on quality of life, education, and academic reputation. Viewing wellbeing and communication from the lens of a communication scholar and a trained yoga teacher, I present a case for action and support to create healthier universities. I examine and criticize the culture of unhealthy universities, advocate the value of communicating good health and wellbeing, and propose ways university leaders can use supportive communication to create healthier university communities. This essay calls on Philippine higher education institutions to rethink strategic priorities by emphasizing wellbeing in higher education conversations, leaders to practice supportive communication and champion wellbeing practices, and encourages communication scholars contribute to wellbeing research and dialogue in the country.


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