HomeWVSU Research Journalvol. 13 no. 1 (2024)

Assessing the Quality of Multiple-Choice Test Items Based on BILOG-MG, R (ltm), IATA, and GSP-ROC

Nguyen Phuoc Hai | Nguyen Van Canh | Trinh Thi Kim Binh



The purpose of this study is to analyze, assess, and select 50 multiple-choice items of English 1 course for the final test of 876 students at the university based on item analysis software: BILOG-MG, R (ltm package), IATA, and the combination of GSP chart and ROC method (GSP-ROC). The research results show that multiple-choice items are satisfactory and are eligible to be used in the test and the unsatisfactory multiple-choice items need to be reviewed for adjustment and improvement. The combined use of multiple software to analyze, assess, and select multiple-choice items is necessary to improve the quality of multiple-choice items. This not only contributes to improving the quality of testing and assessing learners, but also contributes to improving the quality of teaching and learning in the current period at universities.


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