HomeUniversal Journal of Educational Researchvol. 3 no. 4 (2024)

Determining the Problems Syrian Immigrant Students Encounter in their Educational Process and Teachers' Practices to Eliminate these Problems

Sadet Garan | Ali llker Gumuseli

Discipline: Education



This study was conducted to determine the problems faced by Syrian students under temporary protection in the educational process based on teachers' opinions and to provide solutions by examining the applications made by teachers to eliminate these problems. In this study, a phenomenological pattern, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. Research data was obtained through face-to-face interviews using semi-structured interview forms. The study group consists of 40 teachers working in kindergarten, elementary, secondary, and high schools, who were reached using the easily accessible case sampling technique, one of the purposeful sampling methods. To achieve the research purpose, answers were sought to the following questions: 1. According to the teachers' opinions, what do Syrian immigrant students face the main problems at school? 2. What are the teachers’ practices to solve the problems that Syrian immigrant students face? The obtained data were analyzed using the content analysis method. According to the research findings, the main problems of Syrian immigrant students are classified as socio-cultural, language, family, COVID-19, psychological, structural conditions of schools, and institutional issues. Teachers’ practices to solve these problems students face are determined as strengthening the physical and social structure of the school, teaching Turkish as a second language, and the role of family in education. According to the study findings, strengthening the physical structures of the schools and providing the necessary tools and educational materials will make it easier for Syrian immigrant students to learn and succeed in solving the problems they face in schools. In addition, improving the professional qualifications of existing teachers has emerged as an essential need. For this purpose, they must be supported by in-service training on vocational, inclusiveness and multicultural education. School-family-student cooperation has emerged as an effective way to solve problems. It is seen that creating a positive school climate with the school-family-student collaboration created by the efforts of some teachers makes a positive contribution to school commitment and education. This dissemination will facilitate the solution of problems. Since the study results are obtained from the participants’ experiences and inferences, this study is expected to contribute to educational practitioners, policymakers, and related literature.


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