Examining Environmental Challenges in Relation to Online Distance Learning
Jamaica Noscal | Cynic Tenedero | Rejulios M. Villenes
Discipline: Education
The study focuses on the environmental challenges encountered by grade 11 STEM students at Lopez National Comprehensive High School in online distance learning (ODL). This determines the significant relationship between the demographic profile and the environmental challenges in terms of ICT technical issues and concerns; environmental problems; and physical and digital distractions. The researcher utilized quantitative correlational research with the use of a simple random sampling technique to determine the 90 STEM students at Lopez National Comprehensive High School, Philippines. The data revealed that the students’ demographic profile is significantly related to environmental issues. Based on the results of the study, power outages cause stress and affect students' performance. The power interruptions reduced the willingness of students to develop presentations and prepare for online classes. It also shows that a suffocating environment can make it difficult to stay motivated to complete the tasks assigned in online classes. And lastly, distractions such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok make the students lose their eagerness to do the activities that are given in online classes. The new normal e-learning modality calls for an intervention that includes setting aside a specific space or device for online classes, offering thorough training on how to use the platforms, keeping lines of communication open between students and teachers, implementing flipped classroom instruction, strengthening parent-teacher partnerships to ensure support for students learning from home, and offering advice and counseling to stakeholders.
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