HomeThe PCMC Journalvol. 20 no. 2 (2024)

Association between training culture and burnout among residents and fellows during the Covid-19 pandemic in a pediatric tertiary hospital

Alvin C. Agustin | Soraya A. Alvarado

Discipline: medicine by specialism



OBJECTIVE: Medical trainees have increased burnout compared to the general population. This may be attributed to physiological stress, increased workload, work demands, and the training culture. This study evaluated the association between the current training culture of the residents and fellows and prevalence of burnout at the Philippine Children‘s Medical Center. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two validated survey instruments were utilized in this study: the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) to assess the current and preferred training culture among the trainees, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) to evaluate the prevalence of burnout among participants. RESULTS: Ninety-two (pediatric residents = 50; fellows = 42) trainees were included in the study. Whereas the current identified training culture in the institution was the market or compete culture, respondents preferred the clan or collaborative culture. Majority of trainees scored high among the 3 domains of burnout: 72% for emotional exhaustion, 64% for depersonalization, and 57% in personal accomplishment. Market culture was significantly associated with emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of burnout among medical trainees is a significant issue that requires attention. It is essential to implement programs to decrease burnout and shift towards a supportive training culture. This study suggests a gradual shift towards a clan culture, which can help promote collaboration, mentorship, and mutual support among trainees. Such changes will not only improve the well-being of trainees, but also enhance the quality of patient care.


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