HomeWVSU Research Journalvol. 13 no. 2 (2024)

Risk Factors of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: A Systematic Review

Fahriza Adelnisa Arfan | Rendi Editya Darmawan | Endang Caturini



Ventilator-associated pneumonia (vap) is the most common complication from the use of ventilators and is one of the leading causes of death and length of hospitalization. The main factor causing VAP is not yet known, so prevention is not optimal. The aim of the study is to analyze the factor that causes vap. A systematic search was conducted in the databases Ebsco, Science Direct, Pubmed, and Wiley with a year limitation of two thousand and eighteen to two thousand and twenty two, using the keyword risk factor VAP. The inclusion criteria are written in English, and the patient is admitted to the ICU. Articles or journals that have been selected based on inclusion criteria are analyzed, synthesized, and then summarized into a summary table. Ten articles were found with results that the risk factors for VAP are: type of age (elderly), male gender, length of stay, and use of a ventilator, as well as various types of diseases that have suffered before entering the ICU, including patients with delirium, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), neurosurgery, urinary tract infection, surgical cases, hormone and antacid medication, admission with dyspnea, coronary heart disease, and severe pulmonary contusions. Also related to multidrug-resistant bacteria (MDR) are patients with tracheostomies, the insertion of an endotracheal tube, patients with decreased consciousness, longer durations of sedation, and the use of enteral feedings. The risk factors for vap were varied. It is important to carry out prevention and research the effectiveness of prevention efforts such as oral hygiene and other efforts.


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