HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 3 no. 1 (2025)

Development and Validation of a Human Geography Module for Social Studies Instruction

Aquisah Alia M. Guro | Adilah H. Rombraan | Wardah D. Guimba

Discipline: Education



The research’s main objective is to create a comprehensive module to enhance students’ understanding and appreciation of Human Geography. Utilizing a mixed-method approach within a developmental design framework, the study involves developing and validating the module, supported by feedback from six expert validators. The validation process employs a standard checklist and measures the module’s effectiveness through the Content Validity Index (CVI), which shows strong approval from validators. Additional insights are gathered from structured interviews with thirty participants, further affirming the module’s positive reception. The abstract suggests that the module significantly improves student engagement and learning outcomes, with the potential for future studies to explore its long-term impact on educational practices in social studies. This streamlined version is concise, focusing on essential information to ensure a complete research summary, aligning with academic standards and contributing to the field’s advancement.


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