Exploring the Dimensions of Youth Volunteerism in Times of Crisis: A Framework Development
Ronel G. Dagohoy | Jezzel Joy A. Juaton | Marck Lester L. Navales
Discipline: Cultural Studies
In the time of crisis brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, more individuals were affected by its unwanted impact socially, emotionally, and economically, making youth volunteerism imperative in addressing the adversity. This paper delves into the multifaceted dimensions of youth volunteerism during periods of crisis, presenting a comprehensive framework. The study employed an exploratory sequential mixed-methods design to investigate this phenomenon. For the data gathering in the qualitative phase, 12 participants undergone the key informant interview, while in the quantitative, 300 Sangguniang Kabataan members were surveyed to produce data for exploratory factor analysis. Findings revealed four dimensions: response to public service, personal fulfillment, social support and motivation, and personal development. Furthermore, a youth volunteerism framework was generated based on the identified dimensions. This framework might be considered by higher authorities responsible for youth organizations to advance and promote the spirit of volunteerism for community development and sustainability, particularly in times of crisis.
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