Assessing The Impact of ISO 9001:2015 Implementation on the Service Delivery of The National Irrigation Administration (NIA) Regional Office VIII
Alejandrino B. Pascua 4th | Karen C. Mades | Sarah Jane B. Basquez | Maria Tacianne L. Funes | Bernandino P. Malang | Jocelyn DS. Malang
Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)
This study assesses the impact of ISO 9001:2015 implementation on service delivery and operational efficiency at the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) Regional Office VIII. A descriptive research design was employed, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods. Data were collected from 312 internal and external stakeholders through stratified sampling. Descriptive Statistics, and Analysis of Var-iance (ANOVA) evaluated operational efficiency and stakeholder satis-faction. Key findings show that 65% of respondents reported im-provements in operational efficiency, particularly through standard-ized processes that streamlined workflows. However, 48% indicated that additional documentation requirements slowed down opera-tions. In terms of service delivery, 35% of respondents observed greater consistency and reliability, while 31% experienced delays due to the time-consuming nature of compliance procedures. De-spite these gains, challenges such as resource constraints and re-sistance to change limited full adoption, particularly among senior management.
The study highlights that while ISO 9001:2015 enhanced both oper-ational efficiency and service delivery, the increased documentation burden and procedural complexity introduced operational slowdowns. These findings offer valuable insights into the dual impact of ISO 9001:2015 in public sector organizations, illustrating its potential for improving service delivery while underscoring
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