Social Media Practices of Small and Medium Enterprises in Masbate Province: Impact on Industry Competitiveness
Rony Saludar Toling
Discipline: business and management
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) can benefit significantly from social media due to its user-friendly nature, cost-effectiveness, and widespread accessibility. By leveraging social media platforms, SMEs can effectively communicate with customers, market their products, facilitate internal collaboration, and provide customer support at minimal costs.
This research assessed the use of social media among SMEs in the fashion, food, beverages, cosmetics, and clothing industries in Masbate province to enhance competitiveness. It focused on key areas such as customer engagement, social network marketing, website promotion, customer relationship management, and brand management, while also evaluating industry competitiveness based on customer satisfaction, loyalty, operational efficiency, and profitability.
A quantitative descriptive approach was employed to evaluate var-iables and their relationships. Employees from SMEs were randomly selected as respondents, while industry customers were chosen through purposive sampling. A self-designed Likert-scale survey captured respondents' perspectives on the impact of social media practices on industry competitiveness, combining both quantitative and qualitative insights.
The analysis included descriptive statistics, such as percentages and frequencies, to outline respondent profiles, and means and standard deviations to examine trends in social media practices among SMEs. Pearson correlation analysis was conducted to assess the effectiveness of these practices, while a t-test was used to highlight differences in perceptions between respondent groups
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