HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Researchvol. 5 no. 11 (2024)

Iridescence the Powerful Impact of Accreditation to Osias Colleges, Inc.

Aurea C. Salagan

Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)



This study investigates the transformative effects of accreditation on an educational institution, focusing on various areas including philosophy and objectives, faculty, curriculum, laboratory facilities, research, library services, student services, social orientation, community involve-ment, physical plant, and administration. Utilizing a phenomenological historical research design, the research examines the institution's sta-tus before and after its voluntary accreditation by PACUCOA, highlight-ing significant changes such as the alignment of the Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives (VMGO) with academic programs, enhanced fac-ulty engagement in research, and improved infrastructure, including the establishment of a new six-story building. The findings reveal that accreditation not only facilitated substantial improvements in institutional quality and student services but also fostered a culture of continuous growth and development, ultimately positioning the institution as a more competitive and respected educational provider in the region.


  1. The  Four  Principles  of  Change  Management. (n.d.).     Mind     Tools.     Retrieved     from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/arti-cle/newPPM_94.htm
  2. 2.PACUCOA. (n.d.). Impact of accreditation on ed-ucational    institutions.    Retrieved    from https://ppl-ai-file-upload.s3.amazo-naws.com/web/direct-files/17424534/paste.txt
  3. Osias Colleges Incorporated Handbook