HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Researchvol. 5 no. 11 (2024)

Excellence In E-Governance: Replicable Innovations from Quezon City

Edgar A Pacaño Jr. | Harold May B. Tayaoan | Kenneth Anthony Molina | Estefania L. S. da Costa | Norman A. Neverio | Bernandino P. Malang | Jocelyn DS. Malang

Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)



This study explores how Quezon City’s e-governance programs—QC e-services, QCitizen ID, and QC Biz Easy—have improved public ser-vice delivery by making services more efficient, transparent, and ac-cessible. These initiatives offer practical benefits, including easy-to-use interfaces and broad device accessibility, making them adaptable for other Local Government Units (LGUs) interested in digital trans-formation. The research also addresses challenges, such as limited technology access, funding constraints, and the need for strategies to manage resistance to change. Findings show that Quezon City’s approach not only enhances local services but also sets a benchmark for other municipalities seeking to


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