HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Researchvol. 5 no. 11 (2024)

Impact of E-Government Technologies on Citizen Engagement and Service Delivery: A Case Study of Local Government Units in Caloocan

Janet S. Valle | Zelve Rose Bugayao | Cristofer Gutierrez | Bernandino P. Malang | Jocelyn DS. Malang

Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)



The emergence of technology significantly affects the transformation of how the local government and its citizens interact through the utilization of the e-government services platform. This study focuses on the impact of e-government technologies on citizen engagement and service delivery in the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Caloocan City. The results highlight citizens' perspectives on Caloocan's e-government platform, underscoring concerns, challenges, and suggestions for improvement. Privacy and security rank highly among citizens’ concerns, while language accessibility is less of an issue. However, survey data from 250 respondents highlight that 73% expressed satisfaction with the user interface and design of the e-government platform, while 58% trusted the platform's security and privacy measures, though 10% indicated a lack of trust in the system’s data security. To build on this foundation, respondents suggest improvements such as better customer support, clearer communication, and training opportunities that could help boost confidence and encourage active participation. By means of addressing these areas, the platform could be more effectively support the community’s needs, enhancing trust and fostering a stronger connection between citizens and the local government.


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