HomePhilippine Scientific Journalvol. 55 no. 2 (2022)

Factors Associated with Depressive Symptoms among Young Filipino Professionals in Private Business Process Outsourcing Companies in Metro Manila

Mariel R Linsangan | Joanna Victoria V Palalay | Edgar Joseph P. Pardian | Nichole Evita B Pascua | Mariane Jill E Quilang | Bernadette L Quiñones | Katrina Sazon | Jei Anne M Sorilla | Ivan Lawrence C Sorita | Maria Remedios Hermancita Regina M Sotelo | Edgardo Jr R Tinio | Joseph Patrick A Umali | Vianca Mariz S Verzola | Grezon Mae A Villa | Kim T Villarca | Irene V. Columbano

Discipline: Medical Sciences



Depression is a disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest which affects people in all communities across the world. It affects how you feel, think and behave, which can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. It can cause substantial impairment in an individual’s ability to carry out daily responsibilities, and worst, even lead to suicide. A survey was conducted in 100 participants through an internet based survey-questionnaire that uses Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) and an adapted University Student Depression Inventory (USDI). Analysis using ANOVA and Multiple Linear Regression showed a significant relationship between depression's total score and its predictors, namely work, history, age, gender, parents and peers. Respondents that have a history of depression tend to be more depressed compared to those without history. Good relationship with parents and peers has an inverse relationship with the development of depression.


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