A Systematic Study on The Prevalence and/or Risk Factors of Capillaria Philippinensis in Countries Outside the Philippines
Vince Enrico Vitug | Jeanne Lauren Dee | Ysabel Luis Palencia | Jorgia Lou Rojas | Celine Nicole Ronquillo | Jozua Mikhael Sales | Asia Amidala Serapio
Discipline: Environmental and Public Health
Numerous studies on the human intestinal parasite Capillaria philippinensis
(C. philippinensis) already exist; however, systematic reviews on the
parasite have yet to be made outside the Philippines since its discovery in
1963. This paper aimed to review and evaluate the current knowledge on
the risk factors and prevalence of C. philippinensis outside the Philippines.
A search for scientific articles published globally from 1963 to 2023 was
conducted using Google Scholar, Pubmed, and ScienceDirect. The study
included different types of observational study designs pertaining to the
risk factors and prevalence of C. philippinensis. However, studies focused
on nonhuman subjects are excluded. 106 journal articles were collated from
3 databases through a strategy that incorporated different search
syntaxes. A full-paper analysis was performed, wherein the articles about
the prevalence and/or risk factors of C. philippinensis were narrowed to 6
based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Findings suggest the emerging
prevalence of C. philippinensis in Egypt [1][2][3][6], the increased risk of
capillariasis in females compared to males [1][2][5][6], the transnational
transmission of C. philippinensis outside the Philippines through migratory
birds [4][5], and unhygienic food practices as a primary risk factor in
acquiring capillaries [1][5]. Risk factors include raw fish ingestion,
geographic proximity, foreign laborers, and fish-feeding migratory birds;
with females, males, young adults, and the elderly being affected. There is
limited evidence of existing infections in non-tropical countries.
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