HomeDangal Research Refereed Journalvol. 5 no. 1 (2024)

Mapping Technical-Vocational Pathways: Rapid Assessment of Current and Future Trends and Demands

Joanna Marie de Borja | Gima B. Montecillo | Anna-Liza Sigue | Ma. Ymelda C. Batalla | Elaine B. Bolambot | Maria Emmalyn Asuncion D. Capuno

Discipline: Education



Providing high-quality Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs necessitates the growing demand for skills in the global labor markets. The study aimed to a) identify the current and future needs and demands for technical-vocational careers; b) determine the essential skills and training needed for the people of the city's future technical-vocational careers; c) identify the role of gender in the current and future career paths in technical-vocational careers; and d) to map out strategic proposals for the creation of technical-vocational education and training programs that are aligned with its future demands. The study implemented rapid assessment procedures consisting of document analysis, a review of the relevant literature, and focused group discussions (FGDs) involving various stakeholders. There are a total of 14 participants in the five FGDs conducted. The FGDs include focal persons from different institutions or organizations such as TESDA, the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA), agencies offering jobs locally and abroad, TESDA-accredited center, and the Public Employment Service Office (PESO). There must be strategic partnerships among educational institutions offering TVET programs, industry stakeholders, and local government units to build relevant skills and improve curricular offerings. This requires alignment of TVET curricula with the continuous demands of emerging industrial revolutions as a key strategy to ensure the programs' practical relevance. Continuous learning and upskilling must allow trainers and TVET graduates to update their skills in response to new industry trends and technologies. TVET institutions should adopt an industry-responsive curriculum that integrates emerging technologies, promotes interdisciplinary learning, and aligns with industry needs, ensuring that graduates have the practical skills, adaptability, and innovation required to thrive in the modern workforce. However, revisiting the practices and implementations resulted in significant gaps in training and skills development both locally and globally, which necessitates more targeted interventions. Moreover, role-based gender dominance still persists in different workplaces. Despite the effort to address gender equality in TVET and workplaces, it remains vulnerable to different obstacles. The themes underscore the need for a more inclusive, forward-thinking approach among TVET institutions focusing on skills relevance and gender equity


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