Strategies for Achieving Audit Quality: The Big 4 Model
Mark Francis Ng
Discipline: accounting
Audit quality is essential for maintaining public confidence in the audit
profession. This paper explores the strategies utilized by Big 4 auditing firms
in attaining the regulatory mandate of audit quality during the last decade
and translates these into a conceptual model as a benchmark for other
auditing firms. Using an in-depth document analysis of annual reports
subjected to a blended (abductive) coding approach utilizing descriptive and
longitudinal methods, this research found that value creation for significant
stakeholders served as the foundation for implementing initiatives related to
audit quality. Common priorities and practices include client engagement,
strategic investments, technology innovation, market leadership, workforce
empowerment, streamlined operations, regulatory compliance, and social
responsibility. These findings reshape the way we view the identity of auditing
firms as comprehensive organizational entities other than being mere
external assurance providers and emphasize the significance of audit quality,
particularly when viewed from a firm-level or managerial perspective.
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