Exploring the Sobre Vote-buying in Rural Villages: The Lived Experiences of Poor Voters in the Philippines
Graham M. Naz | Bryan Fruto
Discipline: Politics
Empirical evidence showed the prevalence of vote-buying in the country,
particularly in rural areas targeting poor voters. This study explores the lived
experiences of poor voters from rural areas on sobre vote-buying, the most
prevalent type in the province. Semi-structured interviews were conducted
by purposively selecting participants who experienced sobre vote-buying.
Data gathered were analyzed through thematic analysis. Seven themes
were developed to describe the participants' experience with sobre votebuying.
The study concluded that sobre vote-buying follows an established
chain, keeps voters’ commitment, and furthers the patriarchal system. It
likewise gauges the candidates’ seriousness to win. It is socially accepted due
to its prevalence and justified by voter’s perception of rampant government
corruption and inefficiency. To some extent, it remains an adequate
inducement as participants lament the lack of trustworthy and competent
candidates. The study recommends multisectoral voters' education, focusing
on the ill effects of electing corrupt and incompetent officials.
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