Love of the Lotus: Exploring Romantic Relationships Among Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Charles Frederick M. Canoy
Discipline: Childhood and Youth Studies
This study delved into the unique challenges faced by survivors of childhood sexual abuse
(CSA) in forming and maintaining romantic relationships. Romantic relationships, characterized by
emotional connections and affection, are crucial for well-being, but CSA can lead to significant
psychological effects, including PTSD, anxiety, and difficulties with trust and intimacy. In the
Philippines, approximately 7 million children experience sexual abuse annually, underscoring the
urgency of addressing this issue. The study was guided by Attachment Theory, which explains how
early interactions with caregivers influence emotional and social growth, impacting the ability to form
secure relationships in adulthood. Employing a qualitative research design, the Interpretative
Phenomenological Approach (IPA) was used to gather in-depth personal narratives from five adult
survivors in long-term romantic relationships. Participants were recruited through snowball sampling
and interviewed using semi-structured questionnaires via videoconferencing. The findings revealed
ten (10) emergent themes: Holistic Bonding Practices; Trust Issues, Emotional Guardedness; Intimacy
Barriers and Anxieties; Post-Traumatic Trust and Intimacy Challenges, Insecure Attachments and
Growth; Selective Disclosure and Cautious Communication; Effective Communication and Emotional
Connection; Emotional Regulation Within Relationships; Constructive Relational Dynamics; and
Setting boundaries, Strength, and Resiliency. Despite the significant impact of past trauma, survivors
exhibited remarkable resilience and potential for growth within their romantic relationships. Key
coping strategies were identified as effective communication, emotional regulation, and boundary
setting. The study emphasized the need for trauma-informed therapy, education for romantic partners,
community support, and policy changes to foster healing and empowerment for CSA survivors.
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