HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 3 no. 2 (2025)

Mediating Role of Coping on the Relationship between Daily Spiritual Experience and Quality of Life among Generation Z

Allen Andrei V. Esguerra | Jhon Kensly T. Dungca | Angelo D. Castro | Peter Gie V. Manarang | Joshua Emmanuel M. Wong | Jerald Q. Vergara | Arold A. Parungao

Discipline: Childhood and Youth Studies



Coping is defined as an individual’s effort in dealing with life challenges. This could vary among individuals, where cultural, social, spiritual, and other factors greatly influence how people cope and feel about life’s quality. Daily spiritual experiences refer to an individual's connection to a higher being that influences their thoughts and actions and overall well-being in different aspects, including social, physical, and emotional. Research has been conducted to measure the relationship between spirituality and quality of life. However, there is a dearth of research on Generation Z within the local context that examines the mediating role of Coping in this association. This research was conducted among Generation Z (n=406) at a state university in Pampanga, Philippines. The Raosoft application was employed to compute the sample size, and the participants were recruited through a stratified proportionate sampling technique. JAMOVI version 2.4.14 was utilized for data analysis. Findings revealed that coping partially mediates the relationship between daily spiritual experience and quality of life (B=0.08, 95% CI [0.05, to 0.11]) among Generation Z. This demonstrated that daily spiritual experience influences the quality of life both directly (B=0.25, p <0.001) and indirectly through coping among Gen Z. The researchers concluded that spiritual Gen Z is better equipped to cope with life problems which improve their quality of life. Therefore, school stakeholders should foster academic environments that promote coping mechanisms among Generation Z. Furthermore, school counselors should integrate these coping strategies into various counseling programs. Future researchers are encouraged to explore the mediating role of coping in the relationship between spirituality and quality of life across generations.


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