Integrating Research-Based Strategies in English Language Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Aiza Bheal M. Kitani
Discipline: Education
This systematic review examines the integration of research-based strategies (RBS) in language
education, focusing on their role in enhancing students' academic literacy and sentence construction skills
while addressing challenges and opportunities. A qualitative research design was employed to synthesize
findings from existing studies, providing a comprehensive understanding of RBS's impact. Articles
published between 2020 and 2024 were identified through databases such as ERIC, JSTOR, and SAGE
Journals. Using the PRISMA methodology, 429,096 records were screened for relevance, accessibility, and
adherence to predefined inclusion criteria, resulting in the selection of 59 studies for in-depth analysis.
Findings reveal that RBS significantly improves sentence construction by fostering structured writing, peer
collaboration, and iterative feedback. However, challenges such as limited research preparedness, high
cognitive demands, and insufficient instructional support hinder optimal implementation. Opportunities lie
in collaborative research projects and the integration of digital tools, which promote active engagement and
practical applications of linguistic principles. The study underscores the necessity of curriculum redesign,
targeted teacher training, and institutional support to maximize RBS's potential in language education. These
strategies align with 21st-century educational goals, emphasizing critical thinking, problem-solving, and
collaboration. By bridging theoretical and practical learning, RBS equips students with essential academic
and professional skills. This review provides valuable insights into the effective integration of RBS in
language instruction, advocating for learner-centered approaches that address implementation barriers and
leverage emerging opportunities. It contributes to the understanding of how innovative, research-driven
methodologies can transform language education and enhance student outcomes. This review uniquely
contributes to the field by synthesizing recent evidence to provide actionable recommendations for bridging
theoretical and practical aspects of language instruction, particularly emphasizing the potential of RBS in
fostering 21st-century skills such as critical thinking and collaboration. Its insights support curriculum
redesign, targeted teacher training, and institutional investment to overcome implementation barriers and
leverage emerging opportunities. These strategies align with modern educational goals, equipping students
with essential academic and professional skills.
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