HomeInternational Social Science Reviewvol. 9 no. 1 (2024)

Performance of Barangay Electricians in the Northern Part of Mindanao, Philippines

Roey C Sumaoy

Discipline: electrical and electronic engineering



The electrical industry needs qualified, skilled, knowledgeable, and updated electricians to do the job. The safety of our household ones lies in the electrician who will install and maintain electrical wiring. Energy Regulatory Commission supports this study adopts the Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) on the Safety Standards and the Occupational Safety and Health Standards by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) as an "Electrical Safety Standard" (Rule 1210-Electrical Safety). This study determines the performance of the Barangay Electricians in the Northern part of Mindanao, particularly in Carrascal, Cantilan, Madrid, Carmen, and Lanuza, as the basis for policy formulation and enhancement training. This descriptive research study conducted a survey among 1,320 residents and 26 barangay electricians in the CarCanMadCarLan area to assess the performance, eligibility, training, certification, and challenges faced by these electricians. Their responses were analyzed using statistical methods such as frequency counting and weighted mean to evaluate the electricians' performance and qualifications. As such, results reveal that clients are satisfied with the services of the Barangay Electricians. It also shows that the electricians' financial problem is the common problem that hinders them from purchasing necessary items they may use to do the job. The significant relationship between training attended and the level of performance indicates that it is best to undergo training and enhancement programs to increase performance. Thus, enhancement training is proposed.


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