HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 10 (2024)

The Impact of Motivational Factors on The Work Performance of Staff Nurses: Basis for Staff Development Program

Ralph Arjay Dela Cruz | Tristan Joseph Dugang | John Rhaman Hernandez | Anroe Alan Cariaso | Izella Mae Delgado | Leonilyn Dimatera | Dennis Esquibel

Discipline: psychology (non-specific)



Performance is influenced by motivation. Highly motivated nurses exhibit increased effort and enhanced effectiveness. Organizations have the ability to improve labor, patient outcomes, and healthcare. Healthcare facilities have challenges maintaining worker motivation. Multiple studies establish a connection between motivation, job satisfaction, and performance. Decreased employee performance negatively impacts employment productivity. Workers without motivation may exhibit poor performance. Assessing the influence of motivation on job performance has the potential to enhance staff nurse retention and performance at Metropolitan Medical Center. This study examines the impact of motivation on the job performance of the nursing staff at Metropolitan Medical Center. A quantitative descriptive research methodology was used to include 101 nurse participants through a process of simple random sampling. The statistical treatments used were weighted mean, ANOVA, linear regression, and percentage frequency distribution mean. Overall, motivation exerted a significant impact on the job performance of nurses. Nurses evaluate motivational factors and work performance as excellent and commendable, suggesting a high level of effectiveness. The demographics, motivation, and performance of nurses exhibit variability. The motivation and performance of staff nurses are influenced by factors such as age, marital status, level of education, and length of service. Based on the results of linear regression analysis, the p value of 0.0013 is found to be lower than the predetermined alpha value of 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that motivational variables have a significant impact on the job performance of nurse responders. In order to enhance worker engagement and salary, healthcare companies could focus on and promote "low extent" motivators. Nurses' time management, prioritizing, and decision-making may be enhanced through mentorship and seminars. Proposals were made to enhance standards and outcomes.


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