HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 6 (2024)

Leadership Style of Academic Heads in Private Higher Education Institutions as Correlate of Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment of Faculty Members

Ruby Vargas

Discipline: Education



Academic heads play a significant role in the school since they have an influence on the quality of individual faculty performance, job motivation, organizational commitment, student success levels, and school efficiency. One of the most essential factors that contributes to the effective and efficient attainment of corporate goals is the leadership style adopted by academic leaders. The responsibility of academic heads in ensuring a suitable work environment for subordinates and staff, as well as the effectiveness of the school they supervise, is equally crucial. This study aimed to determine the academic head’s extent of practice of leadership style and its relationship to the faculty member's work motivation and organizational commitment in selected private universities of higher education institutions in Metro Manila. The study used the descriptive method of research since it was most appropriate to use to determine the status of leadership style of the academic heads as well as the faculty members’ work motivation and organizational commitment. It specifically used the correlational research design because the study tried to correlate the variables of the study. It used the survey questionnaire to gather the data from the respondents consisting of 36 academic heads and 120 faculty members. The study generated the following findings: 1) Both groups of respondents perceived as very high the academic heads’ extent of leadership styles vis-à-vis autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, transactional and transformational, 2) There was no significant difference between the perceptions of the two groups of respondents on the academic heads’ extent of practice of different leadership styles, 3) Both groups of respondents perceived as high the faculty members’ level of work motivation in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation , 4) There was a significant difference between the perceptions of the two groups of respondents on the faculty members’ level of intrinsic work motivation but no significant difference in terms of extrinsic motivation, 5) Both groups of respondents perceived as high the faculty members’ level of organizational commitment in terms of affective, continuance and normative, 6) There was no significant difference between the perceptions of the two groups of respondents on the faculty members’ level of organizational commitment, 7) There was a significant relationship between the academic heads’ extent of practice of different leadership styles and the faculty members’ level of work motivation and level of organizational commitment, and 8) A leadership framework was deemed important to enhance the faculty members’ work motivation and organizational commitment, thus, was proposed in this study.


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