HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 1 (2024)

School Heads’ Leadership Styles and Teachers’ Performance

Ma. Romila  Uy

Discipline: Education



This study aims to determine the leadership styles of the school heads and teachers’ performances. Specifically, it sought to offer data on respondents’ perceptions of the leadership styles of their school heads in terms of Autocratic, Delegative, Democratic, Servant, and Transformational; Teachers’ performance; a significant relationship between the leadership styles of school heads and teachers’ performance; and the most effective leadership style(s) for teachers’ performance. The respondents were the selected one hundred fourteen (114) Public Secondary Junior High School Teachers from Alubijid East District, Division of Misamis Oriental, School for the school year 2023-2024. Statistical tools like frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson r, and linear regression were used to check the statistical correlation of the data. The instrument was adopted from the study of Juntahan and Oco on leadership styles and the teachers' performance ratings for the school year 2023-2024. The top-rated leadership style was the Democratic Leadership Style, while the remaining four (4) leadership styles were at a high adherence level. Significant correlations were registered between all five (5) leadership styles and school performance. In the final analysis, it was concluded that democratic and servant leadership styles are the dominant styles in managing teachers’ performance and even students' performance in school. Continuous development training and programs must be implemented, especially for novice teachers, to ensure good performance that is beneficial for the learners. Finally, handling school requires an effective leadership style to address challenges adequately.


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