Factors Related to the Students’ Performance in English-Science-Mathematics
Richard Oco
Discipline: Education
A student's attitude, level of confidence, and learning strategies are just a few of the variables that affect how well they perform in science, math, and English classes. This study aims to determine the factors linked to the academic achievement of a subset of Grade 10 students as well as the significant relationship between the factors and the academic achievement of the students in English-Science-Mathematics (EnSciMa). Two hundred and ten (210) Grade 10 students made up the respondents. A validity and reliability test was conducted on a questionnaire that the researcher modified for this study. The students' attitude, self-assurance, and learning strategies were at a high level, according to the results. Additionally, the students performed at a very satisfactory level in science, math, and English, respectively. Furthermore, a strong correlation was found between the variables linked to academic achievement. The study made the compelling recommendation that educators include exercises and activities in the teaching of science, math, and English that can improve junior high school students' attitudes, self-assurance, and learning strategies for improved learning opportunities and results.
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