HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 1 (2024)

Level of Speaking Fluency and Accuracy of Senior High School Students: Basis for A Task-Based Language Teaching

Ross-Ann Ramos

Discipline: Education



This study focused on the Level of Speaking Fluency and Accuracy of Senior High School Students: Basis for a Task-Based Language Teaching. It was conducted in a National High School in the province of Rizal with three (3) sections of Humanities and Social Sciences specifically one hundred and two (102) participants taken purposively through total enumeration technique and ten (10) Experts in teaching English served as respondents to evaluate the Questionnaire Checklist used in the study. The study used the descriptive-evaluative and experimental methods of research utilizing one shot design. The findings of the study revealed that the obtained grand mean of the developed task-based learning material in teaching Oral Communication among Senior High School learners in terms of Objectives, Contents, Organization, and Language and Style as evaluated by the Language Teachers and Instructors was interpreted as Very Highly Acceptable. Meanwhile, some learners who were exposed to the developed task-based learning material were found to be Limited User while significant number of them were categorized as Expert User. The band scores of the students from one activity to another got almost the same rating and showed quite same rating all throughout the activities and interpreted as Very Highly Acceptable. In the end, the study concluded that the developed task-based learning material contributed to facilitate the acquisition of the oral communication skills of the learners. It also helped to improve the level of speaking fluency and accuracy of the Senior High School Learners.


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