Relationship Between Attitudes of College Students Toward Statistics and Research Courses
Maraih Kathleen Cosicol
Discipline: Statistics
This study showed attitudes of college students toward statistics and research courses. It was conducted to determine the relationship between the attitudes toward statistics courses and attitudes toward research courses of college students. It also identified significant differences of these attitudes with demographic factor. The data were collected through standardized questionnaires, Revised Attitudes Toward Research (R-ATR) and Survey of Attitude Toward Statistics (SATS-28), both using 7-point scale. A descriptive-comparative and descriptive-correlational method were utilized with a total number of one hundred sixty (160) college students as respondents of this study. Based on the results, neutral attitudes toward statistics and research courses were found out. A significant difference was also determined on the attitudes toward research when grouped according to the college department. However, no significant differences were found out on the attitude toward research courses according to sex and on the attitudes toward statistics according to sex and college department. Finally, a significant relationship was revealed between attitudes of college students toward statistics and research courses. This suggests a minor interdependence between these subjects in terms of student attitudes.
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