School Operations in the Implementation of K-12 Curriculum and Performance of School Heads in CALABARZON: Basis for Curriculum Management Framework
Julieta Nabos | Ma. Cecilia Tarusan
Discipline: Education
This study aimed to determine the level of school operations of elementary school heads in the CALABARZON in the implementation of K-12 curriculum and the level of performance using the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads among five (5) Schools Division Offices in CALABARZON region. This descriptive research integrates quantitative data using validated research-made questionnaire using percentage, mean, two-way ANOVA and Pearson moment of correlation. Most school heads were principal I, with master’s degrees, and 6-10 years of experience. Findings revealed that school heads manifested “Best” in school operations and “To a Very Much Extent” in the level of performance, and that there is no significant difference in the school operations and in the level of performance of the school heads. In terms of relationship between the level of school operations and performance it found out that there is a significant relationship between curriculum and instruction and leading strategically. Addressing operational challenges enhances overall school system effectiveness. Elementary School Heads exhibit commitment to delivering an enhanced educational experience. Proactive approaches to leadership, curriculum, accountability, and resource challenges align with the best practices for quality education and improvement.
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