Discipline: Information Technology
This research endeavor aimed to find out whether the use of Computer System Servicing (CSS) Droid application would improve the mastery level of grade eleven students on the topic setting up computer system networks. The study made use of Single subject research design particularly the one-group pretest-posttest design. Fifty-seven students were used as respondents of the study. Mean and t- test were used as tools in the analysis of data. The results of the study revealed that there was a significant difference in the pretest and posttest mean scores of the respondents in the topic setting up computer system networks. It can be concluded that the mastery level of students was greatly enhanced after CSS Droid application was employed in teaching the lesson. Therefore, the employment of CSS Droid was effective in teaching setting up computer system networks. Furthermore, it was recommended that the CSS Droid app be used as intervention material or strategy in teaching the concepts setting up computer system networks.