HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 3 (2024)

Digital Orientation And Cyber-Victimization Of College Students As Mediated By Their Attitude Toward Crime

Gerom Calihanan | Nestor Nabe

Discipline: Education



This study in Kidapawan City explored how attitudes toward crime mediate the relationship between college students' digital orientation and cyber-victimization. It adapted a descriptive-correlation methodology, surveying 400 respondents from various local colleges and universities through face-to-face survey. The findings reveal that study participants exhibited a high level of digital orientation and generally held a high attitude toward crime while reporting a low level of cyber victimization. The analysis unveiled significant correlations among the variables but with varying strengths. Notably, digital orientation had both direct and indirect effects on cyber victimization. While the immediate impact was not statistically significant when mediated by attitudes toward crime, the mediation analysis showed that the partial mediation regression coefficient significantly decreased but remained significant in the final stage. This indicates that while the MV mediates some of the IV, other portions are either direct or mediated by other variables outside the model's scope.


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