HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 3 (2024)

Exploring Factors Influencing the Non-Completion of Theses Among Teachers Pursuing A Master’s Degree: A Case Study Analysis

Rince Cheal Entice | Vincent Cailing | Diana Amper | Jesselle Enerio | Woodrow Wilson  Merida

Discipline: Education



This case study investigated the factors influencing teachers in El Salvador City National High School to discontinue their academic progression after obtaining the Certificate of Advanced Recognition (CAR), focusing specifically on why they did not continue with their thesis writing. Despite the school's encouragement for higher education, a substantial number of teachers faced challenges in completing their theses, prompting concerns about the underlying factors. The study involved 15 teachers from the school, representing diverse academic backgrounds, subject specializations, and teaching experience. Through in-depth interviews, the research explores financial constraints, research competence, hectic schedules, and technological challenges as key factors influencing the teachers' decisions to halt their academic progression. The methodology employed semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis, providing valuable insights despite potential subjectivity and limitations in sample size and diversity. Financial constraints, including high tuition costs and living expenses, emerged as a major barrier. The lack of targeted financial support, scholarships, and grants for teachers pursuing advanced degrees exacerbates the issue. Research competence was identified as another critical theme, encompassing academic pressure and skill gaps. Teachers often felt overwhelmed by the expectations for their theses and lacked confidence in their research skills. Hectic schedules, driven by work commitments and family responsibilities, presented significant challenges. Balancing full-time work with academic pursuits, especially for parents, led to difficulties in effective time management. Technological challenges, including limited digital literacy and unequal access to technology, hindered teachers in adapting to the digital demands of contemporary academic work.To address these challenges, recommendations include flexible tuition payment plans, reducing fees, increasing scholarship availability, organizing skill development workshops, offering mentorship programs, introducing flexible scheduling, and enhancing digital literacy through training programs. Collaborative efforts from educational institutions, policymakers, and the educational community are crucial to implementing these recommendations and creating a more inclusive and supportive educational landscape. The study emphasized the need for a united effort to establish a conducive environment for teachers pursuing advanced education, not only as an investment in individual educators but as a strategic investment in enhancing education on a broader scale. Addressing the identified challenges can lead to a more empowered and capable teaching workforce, contributing to a more proficient educational system.


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