The Impact of Information and Communication Technology Utilization Among Public Elementary School Administrators of the 3rd Congressional District of Quezon
Noel Llenerd Robledo
Discipline: Education
This study sought to determine the impact of information and communication technology utilized by public elementary school administrators. The researchers used the descriptive survey method to provide an adequate and accurate interpretation of the study. The total number of respondents is 163 individuals from 12 municipalities of the 3rd Congressional District of Quezon. Moreover, the researcher formulated a questionnaire checklist that is being used in gathering the answers from the respondents. The result showed that the level of preparation in the use of computer technology has a total weighted mean of 3.27 and is interpreted as proficient. The availability of computer hardware in school administration has a total mean of 1.92 while the use of computer technology as part of administrative work has a total mean of 1.82. In the application of ICT in school as part of administrative work, it has a total mean of 3.75 while the use of technology in administrative work has a total mean of 3.48. In the extent of the impact of ICT utilization on administrators, in terms of knowledge and skills, it has a total mean of 4.36 while in application, it has a total mean of 4.34. in terms of communication, the total mean is 4.40 while in other concerns, it has an average mean of 4.38. In the impact of ICT utilization according to age, it is classified as accepted because all sigs. are higher than or greater than 0.05 while according to gender, their significant difference is below the probability level which is 0.05 which is why the null hypothesis is rejected. In terms of civil status, it is above the probability level of 0.05, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted while on the designation, it is above the probability level of 0.05, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted.In years of experience, it is above the probability level of 0.05, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted.
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