HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 5 (2024)

Entrepreneurial Orientation, Product Innovation, and Differentiation Strategies as Predictors of Organizational Performance of Small Coffee Shops in Para?aque City

Maricon Biron | Christian Alec Borja | Catherine Sotto | Jessie Sergote | Mia Fey Esteva

Discipline: business studies



Research has been done in Paranaque City on the relationship between organizational performance and entrepreneurial orientation, product innovation, and differentiation strategies. The purpose of this study was to identify potential strategies for creating small-business owners of successful coffee shops who could continue to provide high-quality goods and services. Based on a representative sample of 153 micro entrepreneurs aged 20 to 41 and above, an indication was obtained from the small coffee shop entrepreneurs' survey. Based on the entrepreneur's personal and business profile, the researcher used multiple linear regression technique to identify changes pertaining to business and small coffee shop entrepreneurs in terms of demographic features, entrepreneurial orientation, product innovation, and differentiation strategies, use of resources, organizational structure, and organizational performance. The findings demonstrated the empowerment of small coffee shop owners in Para?aque City, as evidenced by the independent variable of entrepreneurial orientation, the dependent variables of organizational performance and the entrepreneur's individual business profile, and the mediating variables of product innovation and differentiation strategies.


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