Enhancing Basic Education Standards: A Framework for Quality Advancement
Robin C. Parojenog | Asuncion Pabalan
Discipline: Education
This qualitative study was conducted to identify and assess the current status of public education standards in the Philippines through the lived experiences encountered by the school heads of the Division of Bohol. A descriptive qualitative design was used, and (18) school heads from the Division of Bohol were the study's respondents. The result shows that accessible instructional materials, application of the appropriate pedagogical approach, dedicated and committed teachers, highly qualified teachers, well-trained teachers, specialized teachers, sufficient facilities and laboratories, enough funding, sufficient budget for maintenance and other operating expense (MOOE), enough budget for faculty development programs are factors that contribute to the quality of education. Furthermore, the measures that could be taken to improve the Philippine education system are infrastructure development, strengthening partnership and collaboration among stakeholders, prioritization of faculty development, and hiring of full-time non-teaching staff were the identified actions.
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