Project PRIME: Promoting Mathematical Excellence Through Indigenous Games with a Modern Edge
Regie Bangoy | Manilyn Quilistino | Ma. Jocel Bandiola | Daniela Bitar | Marnie Jen Ordoñez | Rolejean Ferando
Discipline: Mathematics
This study aimed to improve the performance of Grade 5 students in Mathematics using indigenous games with modern edges or twists. The participants of this study were the 28 Grade 5 students of Doña Julita M. Gatuslao Memorial School during the school year 2022-2023. The researcher utilized a mixed method, specifically the convergent parallel, in which quantitative and qualitative data were gathered and analyzed independently. Furthermore, one group experimental design was employed to assess the impact of the intervention, while a descriptive qualitative design was utilized to explore the students' experiences with the use of the intervention. Participants were selected using a total enumeration and a total of 10 students were purposively selected for a semi-structured face-to-face interview. he intervention was conducted for eight (8) weeks and a researchers-made instrument was used to measure students’ performance in Mathematics which has undergone validity and reliability testing. Before the intervention, the student's performance in Mathematics was assessed as low, but it significantly improved to a high level when the intervention was implemented. Additionally, it was discovered that there was a significant difference in the student's performance before and after the intervention, indicating that the intervention is an efficacious method for enhancing students' Mathematics performance. Moreover, including contemporary elements in indigenous games facilitated the students' enjoyment of the Mathematics learning process, enhanced their problem-solving skills, and heightened their self-awareness through self-assessment. Researchers strongly advocate for the incorporation of indigenous games into Mathematics instruction as a means to enhance student engagement and academic achievement.
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