Discipline: Education
This paper has been developed to provide a clear lens of the new normal education, particularly in improving students’ academic performance through the utilization of TUTORIAL AND HOME VISITATION TOWARDS IMPROVED ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE (THIAP). With the birth of the new normal curriculum, the situation presents a unique challenge to every educational leader, particularly in the decision-making process. Hence, to sustain the delivery of quality instruction to every school, this study presents opportunities for responding to issues, problems and trends that are arising and will arise in the future due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to improve the academic performance of Grade 10 students in science subjects on MELC # 4- Describe the possible causes of plate movement through the utilization of THIAP. The study utilized experimental design. The group is exposed to the utilization of intervention. The salient findings of the study are summarized as follows: The pre-assessment mean score of 13.433 was even below the 50% mean percentage score. This shows that the experimental group needs improvement in their MELC # 4. After the utilization of THIAP, the post-assessment mean score of 18.233 was above the 50% mean percentage score. This shows that the experimental group improved in their MELC # 4. With a t.test computed value of -5.558 and a p-value of 0.000, this shows that there is a significant difference between the pretest and post-test mean scores of the students. This implies that the students had enhanced their performance in Science MELC # 4 after implementing THIAP. Since the result of the existing study enhanced students’ performance; the Principals may encourage teachers to be innovative by experimenting with new interventions, teachers may administer pre-assessment before applying any intervention and post-assessment after intervention as a basis of its effectiveness, and lastly students may accept the challenges of any intervention or innovation. This action research has its unique contribution of improving the teaching-learning process through the utilization of THIAP even the time of the pandemic.