HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 7 (2024)

A New Face of Ethical Leadership: Voices of Future Educational Leaders

Henry Lemana | Mary Grace Cabaya | Haren Catalan | Billy Fronda | Orchid Gocotano | Marlene Juan | Judiel Milan | Joan Miranda | Estrella Omas-As | Cherry Susbilla | Helen Espartero

Discipline: Education



Navigating the complexities of the 21st-century educational landscape highlights the imperative for a more profound exploration of ethical leadership. This study delves into the perceptions of future educational leaders on their ethical values, visions, influencing factors, and strategies for implementing ethical leadership in the 21st century. Employing a qualitative exploratory design, this research meticulously captures nuanced perspectives from a cohort of six participants. These individuals were selected through purposive and voluntary sampling, focusing on those currently enrolled in postgraduate programs specializing in leadership. The findings of the thematic analysis of transcribed in-depth interviews highlight a transformative shift towards holistic, student-centered approaches, emphasizing equity, inclusivity, transparency, and adaptability. Moreover, the participants envision environments fostering inclusivity and advocate for transparent communication while recognizing ethical leadership as an ongoing, adaptive journey. Influenced by personal beliefs, experiences, and global trends, they stress personal integrity and the translation of values into actionable strategies within educational settings. This study contributes valuable insights, emphasizing integrating personal values into institutional practices to foster inclusive, ethically responsible educational environments. Additionally, it underscores the need for future research to explore the practical implementation of identified ethical values and assess their impact on student outcomes and institutional culture across diverse educational contexts.


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